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I just listened to the leftist podcast episode that radicalizes you towards wanting to kill deer
Egoist hunting trip but we disregard the law against deer and wild pigs

Well, heard in Texas you can do whatever to wild pigs and no one will do jack
Telegram sucks but at least the thumbnail isn't bad or triggering
Forwarded from katrick fateman (snoop kattt) (slimothy james)
at this point I think everyone's mostly having some kind of theological disagreement with climate change
Forwarded from katrick fateman (snoop kattt) (slimothy james)
it's like, increasingly the shit they say is not happening keeps happening, so they have to say either that the symptoms are staged or that climate change has some altogether different cause, and I feel like it boils down to people refusing to believe that the world may not end on their terms
Forwarded from RIOT DOGS (Raven)
Unironically true actually the church I went to as a child had a sermon on that lmao
Forwarded from RIOT DOGS (katrick fateman (snoop kattt) (slimothy james))
Forwarded from Critical Punkism
Forwarded from RIOT DOGS (Raven)
The unique and his peen
My condolences to those 10 peoples families
True anarchy is when RACISM
If Elon ever goes to Ireland the IRA has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
2024/05/12 12:06:07
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